Continuing Education for S&C professionals

Continuing education is essential for strength and conditioning professionals from youth to professional levels because it requires you to stay current with the latest research, techniques, and practices in the field. Strength and conditioning is rapidly evolving as a profession, with new studies and technologies emerging continually. If you are a dedicated professional you must stay current on these developments and update their practices accordingly.

Continuing education helps strength and conditioning professionals to:

  1. Stay current with the latest research – Learning, and research are fundamental to strength and conditioning as it helps to inform practice. Learning about new studies and findings can help strengthen a professional's coaching philosophy and ensure they use evidence-based practices. In return the application of research allows S&C professionals to make better decisions regarding training and how appropriate methods work in their given setting because, as we know, every level and team setting may have vastly different resources, facilities, and support which influences their coaching practice.

  2. Expand knowledge and skills – Continuous learning allows S&C professionals to gain new knowledge and skills to integrate into their practice. From conferences and clinics by certifying organizations and others to certificate programs like USAW or USATF, coaches can learn about new training techniques or technologies from theory to application and enhance their coaching practice and athlete development.

  3. Maintain certification – Credible certifying organizations and bodies require S&C professionals to complete a set number of continuing education hours to maintain their certification. Therefore, continuing education is essential to ensuring that S&C professionals not only can keep their certification(s) current but stay abreast of a rapidly changing profession. Often continuing education is for S&C professionals who may want to dive deeper into specific or specialized training areas they may be interested in or feel they need more training.

  4. Ensure Quality Standards – High-quality continuing education helps to promote quality standards in your strength and conditioning practice. It ensures that professionals have the information to practice within ethical boundaries and use appropriate techniques and methods. Coaches have many opportunities to seek out this information besides conferences and clinics. In-person hands-on events are great not only for learning style but also for the peer-to-peer connection and networking opportunity they provide. While online learning provides more opportunities for busy coaches to gain knowledge when they cannot afford the time to travel, for instance, I never would have been able to complete a master’s degree program from the University of Denver at 40 years old had it not been for the online program they offer.

  5. Enhance credibility – A S&C professional who regularly completes continuing education courses demonstrates a commitment to their profession and represents themself as a credible and knowledgeable expert. Staying at the forefront of updates in the field of strength and conditioning can enhance one's reputation, grow your network, and even help one to attract or pursue new job opportunities.

In conclusion, continuing education is essential for strength and conditioning professionals as it helps them stay current with the latest research, expand their knowledge and skills, maintain certification, ensure quality standards, and enhance their credibility. By continually learning and updating their practices, professionals can continually evolve their coaching practice and philosophy and provide their athletes with the best possible service to help them achieve their goals.


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